HSP 4.0
Trusted by major inlay manufacturers, converters and RFID chipmakers, HSP™ 4.0 is the latest generation single-antenna high speed read/encode/verification system from Thinkify. Designed for rugged 24/7 operation on a variety of the most widely used and deployed RFID inlay sorting systems with an average 70,000+ inlays per hour throughput performing full read/encode/verification (including lock, permalock, password set, etc.).
HSP is an all inclusive system and comes equipped with everything needed to install and interface with your existing production equipment.
Ensure your tags' security with locking/permalocking, applying access passwords, or kill passwords. Also available on HSP is a real-time 3-point frequency test & user-definable individual tag threshold test for inlay quality monitoring.

Here is an example of a customer adaptation where the HSP is being used in production. Notice that end-user seamlessly interfaces with the HSP with their own application software and conveyor hardware: