
Making Things Think

Thinkify BVR™

Medical sample tracking is more important now in 2021 than ever before.

Thinkify has solved the difficult problem of reading closely packed RFID tagged fluid/bio filled medical samples. With unparalleled reliability and breakthrough technology, BVR™ from Thinkify is capable of reading 100 blood vials, tissue samples, medicine, vaccines, liquids, and more in less than one second.

With just a USB connection for power & data, BVR is simple to setup and easy to use on a daily basis. Software is fully integrated providing patient information management and file sharing, with the click of a button.

Thinkify continues to build new RFID technologies to meet the worldwide demand for medical innovation in the midst of a global pandemic.

TRM1250 eSlides™

To top off our most successful year ever, Thinkify is announcing the limited release of our newest reader and tag design using Gen 3 technology, the eSlide system. Thinkify Health Systems continues to innovate in the form of both software and hardware dedicated to supporting the medical professional. Like our Blood Vial Reader system, the Thinkify eSlide product is an entire solution, solving real problems and improving patient care.


Project Buendia

Google, Intel & Thinkify's Joint Effort To Fight Ebola

Pill It

Modern Medicine Management

Pill It is the wise way to keep track of medicine for yourself and your loved ones. 

Thinkify's first in-metal license plate tag.

Arduino Compatibility

Arduino + RFID = Unlimited Options

Using the TR 265 with the Arduino, you can start your own project affordably and quickly. 

Instructables Link


Our store

80 Garden Court, Suite 108, Monterey, CA 93940

Phone(408) 782-7111

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